Estd : 1947 Accredited by NAAC with Grade A ( CGPA: 3.14) ISO 90001: 2015 , 14001: 2015 & 50001: 2018 certified
Affiliation : West Bengal State University

Basirhat College 
 বসিরহাট কলেজ

   Roll No. for the 1st Sem BA (Gen) students  Admission Notice  Registration Number for the 1st semester students Internal Assessment for the 1st semester students




Students Welfare Committee

The Students Welfare Committee of Basirhat College works tirelessly for the benefits of our students who belong to the most economically peripheral areas and socially marginal communities. They carry out awareness programmes related to the Govt. sponsored schemes and scholarships that provide financial aid to students especially female students. Orientation programmes for new students are also carried out by the cell. The cell registers student’s pleas concerning facilities and benefits. It carries out successful programmes that offer the above mentioned benefits to students. There is a special help desk for SC , ST students that monitors their access to Governmental scholarships. For financially weaker section of students the cell works for concession in college fees. It sympathetically handles college dropout issues, evaluates the conditions and encourages the students to get back to college. The aim is to provide an environment for financial security, emotional strength and social growth.
About the Committee:
The Student Welfare Committee plans and conduct activities to enhance the quality of college life of students. It strives to make the learning experience an enjoyable one.
  1. Ensuring the implementation of interdisciplinary activities among students.
  2. Encouraging Students’ Seminar/webinar
  3. Examining various measures taken for the welfare of employees/ students and recommending further improvements, if required
  4. Keeping track of various scholarships/ freeships provided to the students
  5. Monitoring the health and hygiene of the campus through the concerned subcommittee
  6. Monitoring the feedback of students regarding different areas of curriculum and resolving the issues with no or little efforts from the students.
  7. Encouraging the Students to participate in NSS and NCC activities.
  8. Maintaining First aid facilities for the students as well as the staff.
  9. maintaining strict student discipline.
  10. Encouraging continuous cultural activities
  11. Students involved in any kind of ragging /violence would be punished.
  12. Loitering in corridors is prohibited.
  13. Actions to be taken against any kind of misbehavior.
  14. Segregation of biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste.
  15. Spread awareness about various schemes, plans, courses and programmes started for the welfare/development of students (like medical facilities and internal complaints committee.
Role of the committee:
  1. To identify and encourage creative talents, inculcate a spirit of discipline, leadership, social awareness and promote physical and mental development among the students.
  2. To conduct competitions in creative, cultural literacy, sports and general awareness activity.
  3. To arrange symposia, seminars on topics of local, national and international interest.
  4. To organize social welfare activities and recommend the names of needy students for financial assistance.
  5. To ensure cleaning and maintenance of building, toilets, garden, electrical fittings, provision of sufficient drinking water in the college and hostels, to supervise services of college canteen. First Aid Center, information Bureau and post Office.
  6. To address various issues of the student community and resolve amicably.
  7. To coordinate with the Examination Section regarding Con-donation fees for all the three year Degree students.
  8. To ensure that the First -Year students enroll in Co-curricular activities.
  9. To coordinate with Office for ID cards, Train Pass, Financial help of poor students, Admission numbers of First Year students.
  10. To coordinate with Library regularly for Book Bank and facilitate collection of books from donors of I, II & III year students of all programmes and hand them over to Book Bank.
  11. To attend the meetings as and when necessary for all the above said programmes.
Report of the committee:
This period was going through Covid-19 so various programs were physically closed like competitions in creative, cultural literacy, sports and general awareness activity etc.

The Students’ Welfare Sub-Committee of Basirhat College, offers fellowships or partial financial assistance to needy students of the institution every year. Every year, the committee invites applications from such students and disburses a minimum amount from the money received from the Students’ Welfare Fund.
Sl.NO. Members Designation
1. Dr. Ashoke Kumar Mondal Chairman
2. Prof. Saumitra Sanyal Convenor
3. Dr. Soumita Adhikary
4. Prof. Samrat Chakraborty
5. Prof. Dipankar Sarkar
6. Prof. Rahul Thanadar
7. Prof. Sujay Krishna Chakraborty
8. Sri Paltu Das
9. Sri Victor Roy