Estd : 1947 Accredited by NAAC with Grade A ( CGPA: 3.14) ISO 90001: 2015 , 14001: 2015 & 50001: 2018 certified
Affiliation : West Bengal State University

Basirhat College 
 বসিরহাট কলেজ

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Department of Bengali

About the Department

Department of Bengali Language and Literature (Bangabhasha-O-Sahityabibhag) started its journey from the year 1947. Initially the academic courses of this department were confined within the inter-mediate and pass classes. In the year of 1980-81, honours course was introduced in the department under the regulations of University of Calcutta. Now the honours and general classes are run and regulated by West Bengal State University, Barasat, as the college is now affiliated to WBSU.

Every year about 300 students enroll their names in honours class. A large number of students of this district take admission in the department. The department, especially has a great contribution in spreading the light of higher education among the girls of minority community of the Indo-Bangladesh Border Region. It is also evident from the demand ratio that, there is an increasing interest to study in the department. Due to this growing interest the department has introduced self-financed Post Graduate course in Bengali from the year 2012.Regular class lectures alongwith some seminar classes, organized by the department, are the main resources of learning. For some texts our faculty members often use the multimedia devices as well. Certainly it is an important and innovative tool used in such literature based subjects.



Dr. Soma Pal Chaki, Assistant Professor, M.A. Ph.D

Dr. Pal Chaki joined this institution as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Bengali Language and Literature on 11.8.2006. She studied in Rabindra Bharati University and received both her degrees (B.A , M.A) from there. She has also a recipient of gold medal in M.A. Her doctoral thesis deals with Bengali literature of 1940s - Challisher Dashoker Patobhumikay Bangla Natok o Kathasahitya: Bharatiya Sahityer Prekkhite (চল্লিশের দশকের পটভূমিকায় বাংলা নাটক ও কথাসাহিত্য : ভারতীয় সাহিত্যের প্রেক্ষিতে). She was awarded Ph.D degree from Rabindra Bharati University as well. Read More..

Dr. Adip Kumar Ghosh

Dr. Adip Kumar Ghosh,Assosiate Professor, M. A. Ph. D.

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Rajkumar Das

Dr. Rajkumar Das, Assistant Professor, M.A. Ph.D.

Prof. Das joined this institution on 25th August 2006 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Bengali. He received both his B.A and M.A degrees from Rabindra Bharati University. His areas of interest are Bengali Drama and the History of Bengali Theatre and Culture. He has quite a few publications in the college journal named Charcha Prakash. He was awarded PhD in 2021 from Rabindra Bharati University on the thesis title "Utpal Dutter Natoke Nimnoborgiyo Jeebaner Swarup Bichar (Nirbachito)" [উৎপল দত্তের নাটকে নিম্নবর্গীয় জীবনের স্বরূপ বিচার (নির্বাচিত)] I

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Sujay Krishna Chakraborty

Dr. Sujay Krishna Chakraborty, Assistant Professor, M.A, Ph.D.

Dr. Sujay Krishna Chakraborty joined this institution as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Bengali Language & Literature on 19.08.2020 .He obtained his Masters & Ph.D form the University of Calcutta. He was a research fellow in the Asiatic Society, Kolkata. Where he started research on Reconstructions of Mahabharata Myth in Bengali. After that he completed his Ph.D in the same subject-“Mahabharata Charchar Disha O Bangali Monisha’’ from University of Calcutta. He has special interest in Palaeography & Comparative Literature.Read More..

Sabir Mondal

Prof. Sabir Mondal, SACT-1,MA, BEd, MPhil, PhD (pursuing)

Prof. Mondal was the student of Rabindra Bharati University. He completed B.A (H), M.A and M.Phil. from there. He has one book entitled Amar Bhavnaya Lorchandrani O Sati Mayna(আমার ভাবনায় লোরচন্দ্রানী ও সতী ময়না) and more than five articles published from reputed publication houses of Kolkata. He has interest on Poetry and Poetics, Novel, old Bengali Texts etc. He joined the Deparment of Bengali as an CWTT on 02.02.2009.Read More..


Prof. Bidisha Ghosh, State Aided College Teacher, M.A.

Prof. Bidisha Ghosh received her B.A degree from Presidency College in the year 2006. She obtained the first class, first position in that year. She received her M.A degree from University of Calcutta. Her special paper was Drama. Her area of interest is "Kathashahitya". She joined Basirhat College in the year 2009 as a Contractual Whole Time Teacher. Prof. Ghosh is an active member of Indian Red Cross Society.Read More..

Jahar Ali Mondal

Dr. Jahar Ali Mondal, State Aided College Teacher, M.A. Ph.D.

Dr. Jahar Ali Mondal joined this institution as a State Added College Teacher (SACT) in the department of Bengali Language and Literature (Morning Section) on 01-09-2009. He studied in Rabindra Bharati University and received his degrees Bachelor(B.A.) and Master (M.A.) degree from there.His Ph.D. thesis deals with Unconsciousness :The Psycho-Analitical theory in the selected novels of Jibanananda Das(জীবনান্দ দাশের নির্বাচিত উপন‍্যাসে চেতনার অন্তর্লোক : মনোবিকলনবাদী বিশ্লেষণ) from Assam University, one of the Central Universities in Silchar.He wrote a number of books and articles like MonosamikhanTattwa(মনঃ সমীক্ষণ তত্ত্ব ), Alochana Sanchayan:Bangla Sahittyaer Nana Dik(আলোচনা সঞ্চয়ন: বাংলা সাহিত্যের নানা দিক), Lekhya Bhashar Prathamik Path(লেখ‍্য ভাষার প্রাথমিক পাঠ), Swakirta Banan Abhidhan(স্বকৃত বানান অভিধান) etc.Read More..

Koushik Panda

Prof. Koushik Panda, State Aided College Teacher, M.A.

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Sanjay Halder

Prof. Sanjay Halder, State Aided College Teacher, M.A.

Prof. Sanjay Halder received both of his degrees (B.A., M.A.) from Jadavpur University. He has also received his B.Ed. degree from Vidyasagar University. He has completed his M.Phil course from Kalyani University. He has published four book chapters and seven articles in reputed journals. His areas of interest are: Medieval Bengali language and Literature and Poetry. He has qualified UGC Net in the year 2013.Read More..

Anwesha Sarkar

Prof. Anwesha Sarkar, Guest Teacher

Prof. Anwesha Sarkar received her degrees (B.A , M.A) from West Bengal State University. She received her B.Ed from WBUTTEPA. Her areas of interest are: Natok and Natyotatwa. She is a former stiudent of the department of Bengali and in the year 2020 she has joined the department as a Guest Teacher.Read More..