Estd : 1947 Accredited by NAAC with Grade A ( CGPA: 3.14) ISO 90001: 2015 , 14001: 2015 & 50001: 2018 certified
Affiliation : West Bengal State University

Basirhat College 
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  â–º Roll No. for the 1st Sem BA (Gen) students â–º Admission Notice â–º Registration Number for the 1st semester studentsâ–º Internal Assessment for the 1st semester students




Usefull link (E-Resours)

Library Hour

The Library remains open during college hours from Monday to Saturday and remains closed only on Sundays and holidays.


· Central Library: 10.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.

· Morning Library: 7.30 a.m. – 11.00 a.m.

· Bengali PG Library : 11.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.



The membership of the library is open to the teachers, students and non-teaching staff members of the college. The outgoing students can keep books up to university examination. The reading facilities are provided to the ex-students of the college. 


Books : The total numbers of books has gone up to 33588 (as on 31.03.2021) on various subjects of Arts, Commerce and Science streams. A good number of text books and reference books are available in the library. The library maintains books under different heads. There is a collection ofconventional Reference Books like Dictionary, Encyclopedia, Handbook, Year book etc. for ready reference and general information.At present, the library subscribeN-LIST e-books also for the benefit of our users.

Journals : Journals are the primary source of information and in the present age of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) based system; electronic journals play a major role in providing users with nascent information in the least possible time. At present, the library subscribeN-LIST e- journal and we also inform our users about the accessibility of e-journals via Internet through UGC-Infonet Portal, J-Gate Gateway Portal, and Ingenta Gateway Portal. Although, we subscribe very few printed journals in our library.


The library houses the following newspapers, Journals and periodicals on different subject:


· Daily Newspapers :



The Statesman


Anandabazar patrika



· Journals :




The Management  Accountants



Economic and Political Weekly



Management Today



Journal of Physics




· Periodicals :




Employment News






India Today















Sarir o Sastha



Saptahik Bartaman







Electronic resources:

The library possesses 32 CDs of books and other e-documents.                                                                                                                                 


Services of the Library:


·   Reading Service : We provide reading facilities to our students in the library with a seating capacity of over a 50 students. A maximum of 3 (three) books are issued at a time to a student for reading purposes.

·  Lending Service:The students may borrow 2 (Two) books at a time for home use for a period of two weeks and can renew the same for another two weeks.

·  Reference Service:The library holds a good collection of reference books and text books on various subjects. We provide personal services to obtain the required information from various reference sources available in the library or to satisfy any other queries as requested.

·   Library orientation : In order to familiarize our students with the library layout, we display a Floor Plan of the library, illustrating the arrangement of book shelves according to subject area. This helps the students in identifying their required materials easily and quickly. We also individually meet the students visiting the library and guiding them in selecting their requisite documents.

·   Internet Services: We provide internet facilities to our users to satisfy their urgent needs and demands. Students can use the internet for searching their study relevant materials, assignments, quizzes, presentations, all study relevant materials available on the internet.Members can also take printouts of e-resources from the several printers available in the library.

·  OPAC Services: The library provide Online Public Access Catalogue(OPAC) services to the users for accessing the book database of our library. At present, we provide WEB OPAC services to our students for accessing the book database of our library on 24*7 hour from anywhere at anytime.

·  Lending Service to the outgoing students : The students appearing at the university examination may borrow books for home use through special library card system and keep the book till the completion of the examination. The students have to deposit the same within one week after the completion of the examination.

·  Syllabi of different subjects : In the present day of continuously changing frontiers, the syllabi of all subjects have been modified in recent times, in some cases substantially. To serve our readers in a better and fruitful way, we keep the syllabi of different subjects (as followed by our affiliating university).

·  Question papers of previous examinations : To acquaint the students with the demands made by various university examinations, we keep the question papers of the affiliating university for the users’ study. The questions of previous examinations are very important for study and teaching.

·  Information Service : To sensitize our users about the current and latest information in respect of various academic courses, ensuing dates of various competitive examinations, admission procedures of important institutions of higher learning, we display the Newspaper clippings of important announcements, information brochures of various academic institutes and other source materials. Information about the forthcoming seminars/workshops organized by the college is also brought to the notice of the students for their participation.

·  Latest arrivals : To inform the users about our new arrivals, we display the list of new additions along with the jacket of books (if available). Lists of books of renowned and important publishersare kept with us for consultation.


Digital Access and Digital Resources:

In 2013, the College library introduced the Koha computerized management system to maintain a fully functional OPAC facility, which allows for online and remote browsing of available titles.
In 2016,the library has a subscription to N-LIST E-resources of Inflibnet, which allows members access to more than 1,99,500ebooksunder N-LIST and 6,00,000 ebooks through NDL and 6000+ e-journals. Remote access to this vast database of texts and peer-reviewed references is allowed for both faculty and student members. This facility provided by the College has enormously helped both teachers and students during the pandemic sessions.
The Library provides useful links to further online databases such as Internet Archive, National Library, Sodhganga, OpenDOAR, OCLC WorldCat and the like to acquaint students with further academic resources.
Among online resources, the library further maintains a repository of previous years’ university question papers, UGC-NET guide books, and, question papers and answer keys for the SET exam for enabling students to prepare for career oriented, competitive exams in the future.


LAN of the library computer with other departments : 

We have a LAN of computers of various departments of the college for accessing INTERNET from the department and for easy access of library database and other resources of the college.



Other facilities:


.  Drinking facilities

.  Toilet facilities