Estd : 1947 Accredited by NAAC with Grade A ( CGPA: 3.14) ISO 90001: 2015 , 14001: 2015 & 50001: 2018 certified
Affiliation : West Bengal State University

Basirhat College 
 বসিরহাট কলেজ

   Roll No. for the 1st Sem BA (Gen) students  Admission Notice  Registration Number for the 1st semester students Internal Assessment for the 1st semester students






30.08.2024 Notice For practical examination (Sem-II)

≎ 30.08.2024 Notice For practical examination (Sem-IV)

≎ 02.08.2024 Notice For Orientation Program

≎ 22.07.2024 Notice For Excursion

≎ 22.08.2023 Notice For End SEM Practical Examination SEM 2 & 4 General

≎ 10.08.2023 Notice For Departmental Contest

≎ 07.08.2023 Notice For Orientation For SEM 1 Honours & General Students 2023-24

≎ 28.04.2023 Notice For SEM 4 & 6 Hons & General Internal Assessment Test, 2023

≎ 04.04.2023 Notice For SEM 1 General End Semester Practical Examination, 2023

≎ 09.07.2022 Notice For SEM 2 & 4 Honours End Semester Practical Examination, 2022

≎ 06.07.2022 Notice For SEM 2 & 4 General End Semester Practical Examination, 2022

Curriculum Delivery

Add On Course Details 

Department of Botany

Sl Session Name of Program Date& Duration Name of Course Convenors Name of Course Coconvenor Number of Participants
1. 2019-2020 ADD-ON COURSE ON BIOFERTILIZERS, 2019-20 05.11.2019 to 13.12.2019 (9 am – 10 am) Dr. Ayana Chakraborty 1. Mr. Sovan Sengupta 2. Mr. Subhadip Giri 30
2. 2020-2021 ADD-ON COURSE ON FLORICULTURE, 2020-21 02.01.2021 to 09.02.2021 (5pm – 6pm) Online Mode Dr. Aruneema Bardhan 1. Dr. Ayana Chakraborty 2. Mr. Arnab Banerjee 145
3. 2021-2022 ADD-ON COURSE ON BIOFERTILIZERS, 2021-22 01.11.2021 to 21.11.2021 (5pm – 7pm) Online Mode Dr. Aruneema Bardhan 1. Dr. Ayana Chakraborty 2. Mr. Arnab Banerjee 175
4. 2022-23 ADD-ON COURSE ON FLORICULTURE, 2022-23 01.12.2022 to 02.01.23 Blended Mode Dr. Aruneema Bardhan 1. Dr. Ayana Chakraborty 2. Mr. Arnab Banerjee 34
5. 2023-2024 ADD-ON COURSE on Organic Mushroom                                       Cultivation Technology, 2023- 24 (Report) 19.11.2023 onwards. Blended Mode Dr. Aruneema Bardhan 1. Dr. Dinesh Haldar 2. Dr. Ayana Chakraborty 43




Sl Name of Student Year of Passing Course pursued Job placement Organization
1. Ranu Mondal 2018 1) B.Ed
2) M.Sc. in Botany
  1) Basirhat Mahabodhi College of Education
2) University of Kalyani
2. Mandira Ghosh 2018 D.El.Ed.   Basirhat Mahabodhi College of Education
3. Trishna Mondal 2019   Bank Executive HDFC Bank, Salt Lake, SectorII
4. Tithi Mondal 2019   Teacher Philomel Public School, Dhanyakuria
5. Dipa Thakur 2019   Executive Quess Corp Limited
6. Md. Alamin Molla 2019 B.Ed.   Apex Teachers’ Training College, Barachapa, Basirhat
7. Jahangir Sardar 2019   Sales executive Capital Financial Services
8. Md. Suroj Alam 2019   Sales executive Mahendras
9. Tamal Mondal 2021 M.Sc. in Botany   West Bengal State University
10. Sutapa Biswas Roy 2021 M.Sc. in Botany   West Bengal State University
11. Md. Najmul Islam 2021 B.Ed.   Baba Saheb Ambedkar Education University, West Bengal
12. Tamali Mondal 2021 D.El.Ed.   Basirhat Mahabodhi College of Education
13. Turni Kundu 2021 General Nursing and Midwifery   Sarvodaya School of Nursing, Bengaluru
14. Rubinur Nahar 2021   Business Process Service Executive Tata Consultancy Services
15. Shubho Modak 2021   Business Process Service Executive Tata Consultancy Services

Department of Botany    Departmental link 

About the Department

The Department was established in 1980-1981 with affiliation from the University of Calcutta for teaching Under-Graduate Degree Course. Honours course was introduced in the year 1996. Now the Honours and General classes run with the affiliation of West Bengal State University, Barasat. Since its inception in 1980-81, the Department of Botany aims to generate a better and healthier academic environment and to inculcate into the students the sense of punctuality, discipline and love for the subject. Both the teachers and students of this department work in a coordinated way to achieve this goal.


Dr. Ayana Chakraborty

Dr. Ayana Chakraborty, Assistant Professor, M.Sc. Ph.D

Dr. Chakrabarty joined Basirhat College in May, 2010. She achieved her B.Sc. degree from University of Calcutta and M.Sc. from University of Kalyani with specialization in Mycology and Plant Pathology. She pursued her Ph.D from Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya on Plant Pathology under the title Damping off diseases of nursery seedlings and it's eco-friendly management. Her area of interest is Microbial diversity and it's impact on earth. Read More..

Dr. Aruneema Bardhan

Dr. Aruneema Bardhan, Assistant Professor, M.Sc., PhD.

Dr. Bardhan joined Basirhat College in September, 2019. She achieved her B.Sc. degree in Botany Honours from Utkal University and Post-graduated from University of Kalyani with specialization in Plant Physiology and Biochemistry in the year 1997. She was awarded her PhD degree in 2004 from University of Kalyani under the title, "Studies on antifungal properties of some available species of Bauhinia”. Her areas of interests are Plant Physiology, Biochemistry and medicinal uses of plants. She is also interested in Yoga and Pilates. Read More..

Sri Arnab Banerjee

Sri Arnab Banerjee, State Aided College Teacher, M.Sc.

Mr.Arnab Banerjee joined Department of Botany, Basirhat College in December, 2018. He received his B.Sc. degree in Botany Honours from University of Burdwan and achieved his M.Sc. degree with specialization in 'Taxonomy of Angiosperms' from Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Centenary College, Rahara, affiliated to West Bengal State University. He is pursuing his Ph.D. from Department of Botany, University of Calcutta, in collaboration with Botanical Survey of India. His area of interest is Molecular Plant Systematic and Plant Ecology. He has published 4 articles in National and International journals. Read More..

Sri Subhadip Giri

Sri Subhadip Giri, State Aided College Teacher, M.Sc, B.Ed.

Mr. Subhadip Giri joined Basirhat College in September, 2017. He achieved his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree from R.K.M.V.C College, Rahara, affiliated to West Bengal State University with specialization in Plant Genetics and Biotechnology. He has also qualified CSIR-UGC NET exam on 2018. His area of interest is on different plant chromosome techniques and also the genotoxicity assessment on different crop plant species against different agrochemicals. Read More..

Sri Sovan Sengupta

Sri Sovan Sengupta, State Aided College Teacher, M.Sc., B.Ed.

Sri Sovan Sengupta joined Basirhat College in September, 2017. He achieved B.Sc. degree with Honours in Botany from Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Centenary College, Rahara, affiliated to West Bengal State University and M.Sc. from the same institute with specialization in Algae (Phycology). His area of interest is “Assessment of Morphological and Growth Responses of Pithophora sp. in Different Concentration of Bold’s Basal Medium with Respect to Natural Municipal Wastewater” in regard to phycoremediation of polluted water. Sri Sengupta has to his credit a research paper published in a reputed journal. Read More..